
Always looking for vintage motorcycle parts and bikes, email me with what you are looking to get rid of. If I dont want it I may know someone who does. chprs4life@hotmail.com

Great weekend, except when we crashed the knucklehead

Stacy and I rode up to the family reunion this weekend. Lots of great miles! A few shitty miles. About 4 hrs from home the front inner tube decided that it did not want to play anymore. It went flat at 60 mph. Fought the bike over to the deep gravel shoulder then laid it down. With Stacy on back. Fuck that was a close one. Only a few scrapes. Two cars stopped and were helping us get up. Super nice people. Pushed the bike up to Dave's place where we were lucky enough to have an inner tube repaired in the matter of 30 minutes. The road never ceases to amaze me. All I could think about was if Stacy was all right. She took it like a champ. I am a lucky guy!

Boobie grab


Peepee break

Cool sign

Dave's place

Road rash

Holy hill

- JR -