California was pretty cool. Hot weather, hot girls, and handsome guys! I found that the weather is hotter than it seems on the Internet. The girls that portray themselves as the hottest are usually the ugliest and the girls that are more modest are the hottest. And all the guys are far more handsome than text messaging leads you to believe.
Honorable mention:
Steve Wrong, Mama Jen, and Baby Drac ruled my world, and I pretty much owe still being alive to them seeing as I went out there with little to no money and they kept my poor ass fed for 4 days. Tim Lind for ruling choppers with the People's Champ event and being an all around bitchin guy. Bobby Good Times and Bobby The Leg for ruling the people's champ event and going all the way to winning best knucklehead at the actual Born Free event! My boy Watermelon Pete for building a knucklehead bitchin enough to make it to the top 6 and for carting my bike to California thus giving me the opportunity to say that I've dumped my bike in at least 4 states now and to Tiffany for telling Jen not to yell at me after I scraped up her whole body sliding through the gravel. Luke 'The Panhead Playboy' WaLters for covering my plane ticket so I didn't have to wait an extra week to pay an extra $200 for it and trading stories on the plane ride back home. Justin 'Milwaukee' Mulry and Luke Mouradian for actually working while out west, in an effort to keep Show Class Mag the rulingest chopper mag around. Larry Pierce and his pretty lady Ashley for winning the 'Most Attractive Couple at Born Free' award and being an all around genuine couple of humans. DS Matt, DS Kyle, DS Jason, Gorgeous George, and any of the other Death Science gals for being a bitchin group of queers and treating me like we've known each other our whole lives. Dan Hamilton, Chase Stopnik, Alboy, Boses, James L I V I N, Manboywolf (whatever your actual name might be, I can't remember nor do I care because I enjoy saying MANBOYWOLF so much), Garret Haywood, and any of you other queers that I flirt with on Instagram to make everyone uncomfortable and question my sexuality, you all rule at being as cool in person as you have the world convinced on the Internet. Zac, Spencer, Dan Drews, Reece 'Swim Reaper' Zylstra, Jerimiah Smith, all the Bravetown guys I ran into, Bronsonville Shawn the friendliest guy in the world, Josh Kurpius, and any other Midwest locals that were KILLIN it on the west coast. Grizzzlybrad for being just creepy enough and rocking the property of show class panties for almost an entire day! DS Chad for risking life and limb and performing the most amazing stunt of the weekend! Eddie Cleveland for always partying yet never failing to reply to a text of mine at any time of the day. Brittany, Tim, Glen(?), the rest of the Lowside crew, and Nick Nixon for saving us when Steve's tire went flat and we were all melting in the sun. Christin Moore for being a wonderful passenger, dumping em out without me even knowing or asking and feeding me a few times, and Rachel from AZ for putting up with my stupidity and having her butt involved in my (publicity) stunts. Lisa (sex hair) Emily for being as pretty and evasive in person as she is on the internet. And Joey The Fish for having my favorite bike of the weekend.
(I don't know why I ever take the time to write these things out, no one is gonna read it and the only people that will, will be the people that I forgot)
Whatever, I'm gay. If I forgot you I'm sorry. I still love you! Lets hug it out!