My post is pretty much the exact same post as Warren's, except I didn't race. He and I were both building bikes with Barbers as a deadline. We both cut it pretty close, although I must say, I cut it a little closer. I jammed my motor in the frame the night before we left for Bama and loaded it in the trailer, did all the plumbing and final assembly at the Dojo with much help from a handful of Valley Kids and The Haints. I threw a Mikuni round slide carb, that I got from a swap meet for $20, on my 48' panhead and she started 3rd kick. Ran into some carb issues with it, but it was just user error, that I remedied ASAP, there was also a charging issue that was fixed with a generator the Mewn Baby was kind enough to let me pull off of his ironhead, and finally we had trouble with the clutch creeping that was never fixed in Bama, even though we had everybody that's ever seen a Harley before working on it. All it took was a tamer that I picked up once back in Milwaukee that Carlos and Ralph drunkinly installed in between learning to thumb gun beers and diet cokes. I had a very fitting first ride through Birmingham, no lights, no plates, and ending throwing the bike on the Show Class Mag trailer in a quick getaway after a slight altercation at a gas station resulting in a civilian getting smashed in the face with a motorcycle helmet. Extra thanks to Gator and Matt Wocksler for lending a hand. And to Nick Resty, Duane, Mewn, Bowles, Jbody, Nick, Derek, Meeks, and Ben at the Dojo, to Eddie Cleveland and his wheelies, to Brandon, Ralph, Justin, and Dan at The Valley, to Reece, Andy, and KeV AMFFAM, to Tim and everyone else that joined him at Show Class, to Cara for listening to me bitch and complain and to calm me down on the off times when I get stressed, to Lindsay for letting us sleep on every inch of cushioned area in her house, to everyone else that looked at or touched this bike while we were working on it and a huge thanks to Warren Heir Sr and Jr!
Alabama was and always is an incredible time. Probably the only place I ever thinking about moving away from Milwaukee for. We have family there and I will make it a point to go there every time the chance is givin! I swear whenever we get together with those guys and gals its always the party to be topped and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I look forward to the next time we one up ourselves!