
Always looking for vintage motorcycle parts and bikes, email me with what you are looking to get rid of. If I dont want it I may know someone who does. chprs4life@hotmail.com

My accident.

So I got in a accident on my bike almost two weeks ago. A dual axle box truck ran a red light and I T-Boned him going about 40. Shoulda probably died but walked out of the hospital with bumps and bruises. Anyways, the dude ran from the scene but someone got his plate and the detectives found out he's a 57 year old black man with a suspended drivers license and no insurance who lives on the south side of Chicago. 91st and stony island.. Long story short I got fucked but thanks to my good friends I'm able to piece the bike back together to finish the season. So thank you friends, you know who you are and thanks for all the love. Here's some before, during and after the accident of the bike.

- Posted Jerimiah.

Location:Division and 90


  1. I got slammed Aug 24th, man pry close to the same day...Good Friends are hard to come by, but Good Friends are great when they come by...and bring parts...glad you're ok...

  2. Glad your OK. Looks bad but sounds like you and the bike could have been a lot worse off.

  3. You can fix that after, well anyway you have a great bikes, and lucky for you you are still alive, keep it up.
    Wow, cool photos, I feel unsecure after i saw the design and style of these bikes. well, its time to pimp my bikes.
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