
Always looking for vintage motorcycle parts and bikes, email me with what you are looking to get rid of. If I dont want it I may know someone who does. chprs4life@hotmail.com

Derby Run

Well Friday morning Eugene, Josh, mitch, Ratchet, Brad, Steve and I decided to make the trek down to Louisville for our first ride together of the year. If youre ever looking for a great time head down there Derby weekend, bars are open til 6am and you can drink in the streets! Anyways it took us about 12 hours to get down due to a few kinks brad had to work out but thanks to a nice truck driver we had brads bike on the back of a 18 wheeler and rolled into town hard as hell. From there on out it was a party with drinking well into the morning waking up and doing it again. We ended up hanging at our buddy ivans house who lives 3 blocks away from the racetrack, being that it was Kentucky Derby that day we ended up on his front lawn heckling anybody who walked by. After we were primed up with lots of beers we walked over to the racetrack and were actually able to make it into the infield mins before the race started. HOLY FUCK!! You wanna talk about the most insane party ever that was it. I've never seen so many people not be able to pull it together in one place before. Anyways, the rest of the trip went great and we all made it home safe and sound. Way better photos by Josh Kurpius at kemosabeandthelodge.blogspot.com

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone/Jerimiah


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