A Hillbillies Dream! Chrome, Candy snow blower with cragers
Original AEE Girder with bars, guy had it and a pretty cool frame for sale. Should call him.
Cody, Bacon and I made it out to the Fall Jefferson Swap. Walked it in a couple hours, if anyone has ever been there, they would be pretty impressed. The place is huge. Mostly car junk, but if you look hard enough the chopper parts show up. Picked up some much need parts for the pan Bacon and I are building.
Hey man dont bother calling the dude on that front end or frame cause I snagged it from the dude jefferson. Check out the crapy pics of it on my blog paintbychris.blogspot.com. Sorry man but I had to beg borrow and steal to get that thing. I still gotta email josh that I got a new project. And man that sissy that Bacon scored rules I dont know how that slipped by me.