
Always looking for vintage motorcycle parts and bikes, email me with what you are looking to get rid of. If I dont want it I may know someone who does. chprs4life@hotmail.com

History showed up at that shop that other day.

This bike was sitting just the street for years. Turns out it was an original motordrome bike from the 40's-50's. Jay Lightning from the "Original Wall of Death" owns it now. Back in the family. Looks like it will be riding the wall after a 50 year siesta. Pretty cool.

Random Pics

Stacy went shopping with me. She loves when the tables are turned.

Classic! That guy is ruling, everything that he loves in a very close proximity. He prob. slept well. Check out the kids overhauls.
The "Locust" under the street lights

Some of my headlights

Lee trying out the front engine dragster. Would love to head down the track in that thing.

Jefferson 2009

Pretty bitchin 1912 Excelsior, watched the guys try and get it started. Could not wait to long, had parts to hunt for.

A Hillbillies Dream! Chrome, Candy snow blower with cragers
Original AEE Girder with bars, guy had it and a pretty cool frame for sale. Should call him.

Bacon and his new Sissy Bar.
Cody, Bacon and I made it out to the Fall Jefferson Swap. Walked it in a couple hours, if anyone has ever been there, they would be pretty impressed. The place is huge. Mostly car junk, but if you look hard enough the chopper parts show up. Picked up some much need parts for the pan Bacon and I are building.

Country Mile III

The pot at the end of the rainbow!

Holy Shit!
Oh my god!

Does it stop?

Team A Rules!


I belive Joe was nude at this point

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The Show Down
Wolf Lake
Heading to see the trout
One of the many stops. This one did not require working on a motorcycle!
Start taking note, kid. You are not the only one that can take cool pics.

I dont know where to start. I guess I will let the pics tell the story. Make sure you check out the other blogs for other interpretations on the CMIII. http://www.kemosabeandthelodge.blogspot.com/ http://thedonutthole.blogspot.com/

Check out those Arctic Cat Shades!
The one the only

Action Shot

LSD on Freedom, or Freedom on LSD

Saddling up