
Always looking for vintage motorcycle parts and bikes, email me with what you are looking to get rid of. If I dont want it I may know someone who does. chprs4life@hotmail.com

Rad drag bike!

While at the peterson auto museum we came upon this beauty being loaded up in the back of a pick up truck. Pretty awesome.

- JR -

I need..

Some different pipes for my bike. I'd like something that runs over the top of the cone so I have some more clearance cause I'm scraping on right hand turns. Maybe a two into one or whatever. Email me if you got something for me and uncle Jimmy. Thanks.


- Jerimiah


Close call!

Received a wake up today on the free way. Flat tire at 75mph. Whoa! That tall firestone does not handle to well when flat. Really puts things into perspective on how fast shit can go wrong. the ass End of the bike was flopping around like a dead fish. Thankfully I was able To wrangle it over to the side. Wow!

- JR -

Road trippin!

Stacy and I are on the way to the family Reunion. Good times. Knuck is running great. Only ran out of gas once. Ha a gas can in in under 10 minutes. Man I love the road!

- JR -

Bobby Good Times And I..

Are gunna be rolling hard with some new dashes here pretty soon! Can't wait!

- Jerimiah.





Gotta sell the bike I just built for Born Free 3. Here are some pics. If anyone is interested o wants some more info please email me at chprslife4life@hotmaial.com. More pics and stats will be available on eBay. I am posting it tonight. Thanks.

- JR -

Show class mag!

If you have not seen it yet please go check it out. The guys over at death science are doing it right. With lots if support from peers within this little chopper world we live in. My Knuck is in this issue. Look ma, I am famous. Go buy an issue and a t-shirt. Please help support. Thanks to tim for getting me involved. It's about time a mag like this in print!

- JR

Looking to trade for knuckle springer

I have this cool little ironhead chopper thats been sitting around for a while. Its a 68xlch early style ironhead with a magneto. I dont have a title but the numbers are original and clean. I will give a bill of sale. It does not run but i havent tried to make it run. Not enough time in the day. It turns over and seems like it would run in a day if you tried. anyways Im just trying to find a Stock springer for my knucklehead, Either and inline or even a VL springer but they have to be original. Chrome would be ideal but black may be ok if its really nice. let me know. thats all im interested in right now otherwise ill make it run and it'll hang out around here for a while.



another one bites the dust.

Ive been seeing too many posts like this lately, it really sucks to see. Alex got taken out on his shovel. He is ok but has a broken ankle and collar bone. His spirits have been high and he's been hobbling around with us still to keep his sanity. Tony bag of donutts took a spill last week too. He is also alright but made need to get his hand fixed. Wish these guys the best of luck and watch out for those cars.


Bobby good times shovel

It's on the road, coolest bike in Chicago so watch the fuck out.

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