
Always looking for vintage motorcycle parts and bikes, email me with what you are looking to get rid of. If I dont want it I may know someone who does. chprs4life@hotmail.com

Dixie Roundup/Dice party

This last weekend was pretty amazing, it was the first time I had my uncles bike out on the road since 1987, partied with my friends, made new ones and didn't go to jail. Can't thank Ryan Nolan enough for going out of his way to pick Kyle and up. Duane Chauncey you guys rule so hard and thanks for letting us crash at the house, boozer and everyone else for helping me with my brakes. Until next time!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone/Jerimiah



  1. Glad you brake still works! ;-) Looks like you made it over to the Command Post. He's a grumpy old fart but has some cool shit for sale.

  2. was nick brown throwing up gang signs all weekend?

  3. Hate that I missed you. Hope you enjoyed the Ham.
